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Bri Goebel
How to Use Failure to your Advantage
Failure. It’s something we’ve all dealt with and it’s an unfortunate, inevitable part of life. At times, it can be a constant dark cloud...
Bri Goebel
5 Ways to Handle Stress like a True Champion
Growing up and enduring life’s curveballs are everyday challenges for all of us. They make for some overwhelming and stressful...
Bri Goebel
What Every Company can Learn from Google’s Company Culture
It’s like the old saying goes, “Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” Despite what we might think,...
Tim Gray
Bloom Where You Are Planted
A lifelong friend and mentor and I were discussing a bonsai tree I murdered with over watering a while back. We discussed the time it...
Tim Gray
Rusty Gaston's Golden Rules
Partner and General Manager of THiS Music Publishing in Nashville, TN shares his top 5 Golden Rules. 1) Never Give Up 2) Provide Service...
Tim Gray
5 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Started My Career
1. Dreams Change I had always pursued this one undefined music dream job. However, through time and experience I realized that dreams...
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